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November 15, 2010


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Judith in Southwest United States

Hi! I just found your blog and your wonderful Nativity set. Thank you so much for sharing your pattern. I am so impressed with how you were able to design all the different figures to remain comparably correct in scale to size (did I say that correctly??!!) Very brilliant.

I also read the About You page. We are also a Christian family and live in the USA. Like your family, we are also amazed and blessed by the goodness and grace of the Lord. I have listened to some British pastors at SermonAudio dot com and they have been a blessing to me.

These are certainly some trying times aren't they? But isn't it is a joy to know that our God is on His throne and in control? It is also a blessing to be able to "talk" with a sister in Christ, who lives on the other side of the world, about our shared love of crocheting. God is good!

Do you ever go to Crochetville dot org? It is a wonderful web site for crocheters.

Thanks again for sharing your talent. May the Lord richly bless you and your family, and an early Merry Christmas!


thank you so much for sharing this beautiful nativity set. the angel is so reverent-looking- and how appropriate with celebrating Christ's birth!


I'm trying to get your patterns and I'm having trouble. Could you please send me the nativity patterns and your snowman. Thank you
[email protected]


I figured out that I need to be smarter than my computer! I was able to download the patterns. Thank you for sharing. [email protected]


Ann well done for working it out !

jan briley

I am having difficulty downloading the patterns. I just get blank screen :(


pls send the angel pattern my way cant download

Mandy McK

Jan and Kim......... I am happy to email the pattern to you but I need your email!

Peggie Prince

Thank you for sharing your angel pattern, I am
going to try them for Christmas. I also appreciate
the clear instructions you have given. Thanks, again.


Thank you so much for sharing the angel pattern! i was wondering if you had any more patterns for the rest of the nativity for some reaseon i cant find them.... im a huge collectory of navaity sets and i would love to make this one!
Thank you
[email protected]

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